מדקפה | Idit Alfandari-Meir, מומחה ב מדקפה

Idit Alfandari-Meir

עו"ד ומגשרת לגירושין, בעלת 11 שנות ניסיון כעורכת דין ומגשרת, מאחוריי עשרות הסכמי גירושין, עשרות הליכים ועשרות גישורים מוצלחים, שהסתיימו בהסכם גירושין לשביעות רצון בני הזוג !

I lived in Raanana, a happily married mother of three wonderful children. I daily work actually has two hats: lawyer represents on the one hand (both family court and the rabbinical court, and of course the appeals courts) and bridges on the other. As a lawyer, I represent only one side (husband / wife) in the legal process of divorce, and I am neutral mediator and the functions to help the couple negotiate and mediate to reach a divorce agreement includes that best fulfills the needs and interests of the parties. Divorce proceedings in court / court case between the couple almost always escalates and an officer, are long lengths (3 years on average!) And of course, cost a great deal to the couple ... Unlike those divorce proceedings, mediation allows the couple decided to divorce, do it honorably, voice, contractual and fair!   My motto is otherwise possible divorce !! "Otherwise" means honorably, fairly clean, works on the basis of full transparency between the parties, as we "put everything on the table" in order to reach a divorce agreement quickly and efficiently. Although during divorce spouses wish to reach the moment when they will meet with one of the other more than ever, they will not have to hear the other side not to replace it with a word. But reality shows that when children into partners, while more divorced couple will meet, and will exchange many words .. Mediation allows the divorcing couple to end the marriage in a dignified manner, clean, transparent, while leaving open a channel of dialogue and respect between them!. And in fact allows them to remain parents for their child. After all, when separate mother and father are no longer a couple, but they forever remain parents to their children! So if you decide to get a divorce, it is important to consciously decide also on the way in which you do it. The right decision will reduce damage to you and the children, and reduce the time it will take you to pick up the pieces and begin your life after divorce.

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